domicile Événements - Événements ACTA Sommet de l’industrie du voyage de l’est du Canada 2024 de l’ACTA

Sommet de l’industrie du voyage de l’est du Canada 2024 de l’ACTA

Organisée dans le centre urbain le plus dynamique de l'Ontario, la conférence de l'ACTA à Toronto le 12 septembre permettra à l'industrie de se retrouver pour une journée de développement professionnel et de réseautage. Joignez-vous à l'ACTA qui vous mettra en contact avec les destinations touristiques les plus populaires du Canada et les marques étonnantes qui les desservent. Des conférenciers motivateurs de premier plan, des panels d'entrepreneurs et des personnalités de premier plan issues de divers secteurs seront là pour vous rencontrer et partager de nouvelles idées, opportunités et expériences.

Cet événement promet d'être un mélange passionnant d'informations sur l'industrie, de réseautage et de célébrations bien méritées. Préparez-vous à être captivés, inspirés et prêts à porter votre entreprise de voyage vers de nouveaux sommets. Le décor est planté et l'excitation est à son comble. Au plaisir de vous y voir !

Horaire horaire

8 h | Accueil

9 h – 11 h 30 | Séance plénière

Priorités et tendances commerciales des agences et conseillers de voyage canadiens
Joignez-vous à la présidente d'ACTA, Wendy Paradis, qui vous présentera les tendances les plus récentes de l'industrie canadienne du voyage à l'horizon 2025 et au-delà, ainsi que les priorités qu'ACTA met actuellement en œuvre au nom des agences de voyages et des conseillers en voyages canadiens.
Les intervenants
Wendy Paradis
Conférence : rendre les voyages plus accessibles
Ne manquez pas cette conférence inspirante animée par Kerianne Wilson, Directrice — Accessibilité clientèle chez Air Canada, qui expliquera pourquoi et comment améliorer l’accessibilité dans les voyages aériens. Vous découvrirez l’état actuel des voyages accessibles, les stratégies innovantes récentes et les efforts pour améliorer l’accessibilité au Canada. Attendez-vous à une expérience captivante et enrichissante, suscitant des questions importantes et offrant une précieuse opportunité d’apprentissage. Les conseillers repartiront avec des connaissances essentielles pour mieux soutenir les clients en situation de handicap. Ne ratez pas cette chance de perfectionner vos compétences et de défendre les voyages accessibles.
Les intervenants
Kerianne Wilson
Table ronde : naviguer vers le succès : stratégies pour les conseillers en voyages prospères
Plongez dans un univers où la passion se conjugue avec les opportunités et découvrez comment transformer votre carrière de conseiller en voyages, la faisant passer de bonne à extraordinaire. Participez à des discussions animées sur les stratégies clés pour dynamiser votre entreprise de voyages. Apprenez à maîtriser les frais de service transparents pour renforcer la confiance et la satisfaction de vos clients. Explorez le potentiel des voyages de groupe pour élargir considérablement votre portée. Cette table ronde dépasse la simple formation; c’est une occasion de se connecter avec des professionnels partageant les mêmes idées, d’échanger des expériences et de construire un réseau de soutien qui vous propulsera vers de nouveaux sommets. Préparez-vous à révolutionner votre carrière de conseiller en voyages avec des conseils pratiques et des stratégies éprouvées, et embarquez pour un voyage vers un succès inégalé.
Les intervenants
Judith Coates, Lynda Tomilin CTC, Monica Johnstone CTC

11:30am-12:20pm: Sessions en petits groupes sur l'éducation

Modèles émergents dans le voyage de luxe : explorer les tendances et les demandes dynamiques du marché du luxe
Le voyage de luxe est un secteur dynamique et florissant de notre industrie. Engagez-vous avec des experts et découvrez des stratégies innovantes pour rester à la pointe dans ce domaine en constante évolution. Nous examinerons les tendances actuelles, les attentes du marché, les expériences personnalisées et les initiatives de tourisme durable.
Naviguer au-delà des horizons : l’avenir des voyages de croisière
Plongez dans l’univers fascinant des croisières et découvrez leur impact sur le tourisme mondial à travers des perspectives et anecdotes captivantes. Explorez les dernières tendances, les avancées technologiques et les initiatives de durabilité, tout en envisageant l’avenir des voyages en haute mer.
Voyages et IA : stratégies pratiques pour une intégration réussie dans votre entreprise
Embarquez pour un voyage dans le monde transformateur de l’intelligence artificielle. Découvrez des conseils pratiques et des démonstrations concrètes pour intégrer l’IA de manière fluide dans vos opérations commerciales. Acquérez des perspectives précieuses pour propulser votre entreprise en exploitant la puissance de la technologie intelligente
Les intervenants
Ryan McElroy, Valerie Styger
Libérer le pouvoir des médias sociaux : stratégies inspirantes pour augmenter les ventes et acquérir de nouveaux clients
Les médias sociaux restent essentiels pour développer une entreprise prospère de conseiller en voyages en 2024. Découvrez des stratégies innovantes pour augmenter vos ventes et établir des connexions significatives. Rejoignez-nous pour explorer l’impact transformateur d’une utilisation stratégique des médias sociaux, propulsant votre entreprise dans l’univers numérique actuel.
Les intervenants
Andrew Jenkins

12:45 PM | Diner de réseautage

Savourez un délicieux dîner assis, offert par nos commanditaires principaux.

14:10 H | Grand salon professionnel

Rencontrez et échangez avec plus de 100 fournisseurs.

4:20 PM | Session générale

Conférence : découvrez le monde des croisières d’expédition — maximiser les ventes et les profits
Embarquez pour un voyage fascinant dans le monde des croisières d’expédition! Ce secteur, en pleine expansion, séduit les voyageurs comme jamais auparavant. C’est une occasion en or pour enrichir votre expertise en tant que conseiller en voyages, accéder à un marché très lucratif et offrir des expériences inoubliables à vos clients. Rejoignez David Tanguay, expert de l’industrie, pour une exploration approfondie de la manière dont la spécialisation dans les croisières d’expédition peut transformer votre entreprise de voyages, tout en promouvant des pratiques de voyage durable. Ne ratez pas cette opportunité d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives et de découvrir des horizons inexplorés.
Les intervenants
David Tanguay

4:50 PM | Prix ACTA

Célébrez l’excellence et l’innovation lors de la cérémonie annuelle des Prix de l’ACTA, où nous honorons les réalisations exceptionnelles et les contributions remarquables dans l’industrie canadienne du voyage.

5:30 PM | Cocktail de réseautage

Rejoignez-nous pour une soirée élégante de rencontres et de discussions lors de notre cocktail de réseautage.
Wendy Paradis
Wendy Paradis
President | ACTA
With over 30 years' experience in the travel industry, Wendy Paradis brings her extensive knowledge, expertise and passion to her role as President of ACTA (Association of Canadian Travel Agencies and Travel Advisors) and Board Executive Member of the WTAAA (World Travel Agents Associations Alliance). Throughout her career, Wendy has had the privilege of working with some of Canada’s leading Travel Agencies and has expertise in every facet of travel agency sales and operations in both corporate and leisure travel. She is passionate about professional development and advocacy for Canada and the Global Travel Industry.
Kerianne Wilson
Kerianne Wilson
Director, Customer Accessibility - Air Canada
After starting her career as a commercial litigator, Kerianne followed her passion and family tradition of aviation and completed an LL.M. at the McGill University Institute of Air and Space Law. She joined Air Canada as Counsel and then Senior Counsel, developing an expertise in accessible air travel. Kerianne was given the privilege of co-authoring Air Canada’s first Accessibility Plan, following which she was appointed Air Canada’s first Director of Customer Accessibility, responsible for Air Canada’s customer accessibility strategy.
Judith Coates
Judith Coates
Founder, Travel Advisor | Wired for Travel
Judith is a leader and a connector in the Travel Industry and couldn't stay silent during the pandemic when travel came to a standstill, and Independent Travel Advisors were slipping through the cracks of Government support. She is a founding member of ACITA (Association of Canadian Travel Advisors) and rallied Travel Advisors across Canada together to meet with MP's,Federal Ministers and Policy Advisors. She also appeared before the House Standing Committee on Transport as well as the Standing Committee on Finance, to educate Government officials on the way Travel Advisors are compensated for their work. Judith is a member of ACTA's ITA Advisory Council and a past member of the TICO Industry-Consumer Advisory Council. She is a past recipient of ACTA's Gerald Heifetz Trailblazer Award for Advocacy, was named Extraordinary Agent in 2021 and 2022 by The Travel Agent Next Door, and has received multiple awards for Peer Support and Advocacy Trailblazing from TTAND. Most recently, she received the 2024 Travel Pulse Award for "Most Influential Travel Advisor" Judith leads a team of 15 in her Agency at Wired for Travel, and loves coaching new Travel Advisors to use their passion and skills to turn people's dreams into reality by crafting extraordinary travel experiences.
Lynda Tomilin CTC
Lynda Tomilin CTC
Agency Owner | Envoyage
With over 32 years of Travel Industry experience, I can honestly say my life’s purpose is travel, and help others make their travel dreams into a reality. In 1992. I took my first step and obtained my Travel and Tourism Certification as well as my entry level CITC Certification. Over the years I have continued to upgrade my travel knowledge and attained my CTC.I am a Home Based Agency Owner for Envoyage. I hold several Specialist certifications and keep current with as many tour operators, cruise lines, hotel and tourist boards as possible.38 countries I have visited, and hoping to check off more
Monica Johnstone CTC
Monica Johnstone CTC
Chair | ACTA
Monica brings over 40 years’ experience in the travel industry. Starting as an entry level agent in 1977 and working her way up through various management positions until she eventually opened her own agency in 1988. During the years she has taught Travel & Tourism at community colleges to bring more youth into the travel industry. Her experience in both corporate and leisure, including groups & incentive travel, has offered her the opportunity to explore the world and her passion. Always one to educate herself on all aspects of travel, that passion will continue for many years to come. As an active ACTA Board Member, Monica shared her leadership and strategic skills during the development of the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, and she is eager to carry on her work seeing through the execution of ACTA’s strategic goals. Monica sits on the ACTA Ontario Regional Advisory Committee and previously served on the TICO Board of Directors.
Ryan McElroy
Ryan McElroy
Chief Executive Officer/Founder, Investor, and Keynote Speaker
Ryan has 20 years of travel industry experience. He has worked in every facet of the travel industry, from startups to international tour companies. Ryan's role within his portfolio of companies is to collaborate on strategic direction, lead the sales and marketing functions and drive profitability through innovative technologies. Recently, Ryan was named to the Top 20 Under 40 by London Inc. Magazine and top 40 under 40 by Canadian Traveller Magazine. His passion and forte is driving growth through innovative solutions that help hospitality-focused entrepreneurs build their businesses.
Valerie Styger
Valerie Styger
Senior Country Manager - Canada | Expedia TAAP
Voted ‘deal-maker’ by Expedia TAAP in 2023, sales and leadership expert Valerie Styger is a keen business strategist. With a rich background in B2B sales across various sectors such as hotels, tour operators, and technology, Valerie has climbed the corporate ladder from an entry-level position to a prominent role at Expedia Group. Her journey to success was forged in the fires of competition, drawing from her early years as an award-winning martial artist, which instilled in her a keen understanding of conflict psychology and a relentless drive to excel.
Andrew Jenkins
Andrew Jenkins
CEO | Volterra
Andrew Jenkins is CEO of Volterra, a professional services firm specializing in social media and social selling strategies. Based in Toronto, Canada, he was formerly the Head of Social Media Strategy for the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and has worked with a diverse list of companies in North America and Europe, including CIBC, NESTA, Campbells, Sirius XM Canada, World Vision and The Aga Khan Foundation. A regular international speaker and panellist at numerous industry conferences and events, he has taught Social Media Strategies for the Enterprise at the University of Toronto's School of Continuing Studies for the past ten years. He is also the author of Social Media Marketing for Business: Scaling an Integrated Social Media Strategy Across Your Organization.
David Tanguay
David Tanguay
Head of Global Sales | Aurora Expeditions
David was introduced to immersive experiences at a very young age and since has always had a passion for travel and learning from experience. After graduating from the University of Montreal’s business school, he moved to China for a year to gain experience in Operations for Starwood Hotels & Resorts. After returning to Canada, he was introduced to Expedition Travel and has been in this space for 13 years promoting this unique type of travel to adventurous travellers and the trade community. David stepped foot on the 7 continent for the first time in 2013, and has since, participated in multiple expeditions in the polar regions, including: Svalbard, Greenland, the Northwest Passage and Antarctica. David has travelled the world introducing expedition cruising and inspiring people in different countries to join these once in a lifetime experiences. In 2022, David completed his Master of Business Administration at Canada's Ivey Business School, and learnt the importance of implementing purpose into his career. Understanding the power of positive impact that tourism can promote, David is excited to be working for Aurora – a pioneer and global leader in sustainable expedition travel – as their Global Head of Sales.

Date :

Sep 12 2024

Heure :

8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Plus d'informations

Enregistrement ici


Toronto Congress Centre
South Building, Leonard Cohen Ballroom 650 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario, M9W 1J1


  • Ryan McElroy
    Ryan McElroy
    Chief Executive Officer/Founder, Investor, and Keynote Speaker

    Ryan has 20 years of travel industry experience. He has worked in every facet of the travel industry, from startups to international tour companies. Ryan’s role within his portfolio of companies is to collaborate on strategic direction, lead the sales and marketing functions and drive profitability through innovative technologies. Recently, Ryan was named to the Top 20 Under 40 by London Inc. Magazine and top 40 under 40 by Canadian Traveller Magazine. His passion and forte is driving growth through innovative solutions that help hospitality-focused entrepreneurs build their businesses.

  • Monica Johnstone CTC
    Monica Johnstone CTC
    Chair | ACTA

    Monica brings over 40 years’ experience in the travel industry. Starting as an entry level agent in 1977 and working her way up through various management positions until she eventually opened her own agency in 1988. During the years she has taught Travel & Tourism at community colleges to bring more youth into the
    travel industry. Her experience in both corporate and leisure, including groups & incentive travel, has offered her the opportunity to explore the world and her passion. Always one to educate herself on all aspects of travel, that passion will continue for many years to come. As an active ACTA Board Member, Monica shared her leadership and strategic skills during the development of the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, and she is eager to carry on her work seeing through the execution of ACTA’s strategic goals. Monica sits on the ACTA Ontario Regional Advisory Committee and previously served on the TICO Board of Directors.

  • David Tanguay
    David Tanguay
    Head of Global Sales | Aurora Expeditions

    David was introduced to immersive experiences at a very young age and since has always had a passion for travel and learning from experience. After graduating from the University of Montreal’s business school, he moved to China for a year to gain experience in Operations for Starwood Hotels & Resorts. After returning to Canada, he was introduced to Expedition Travel and has been in this space for 13 years promoting this unique type of travel to adventurous travellers and the trade community. David stepped foot on the 7 continent for the first time in 2013, and has since, participated in multiple expeditions in the polar regions, including: Svalbard, Greenland, the Northwest Passage and Antarctica. David has travelled the world introducing expedition cruising and inspiring people in different countries to join these once in a lifetime experiences. In 2022, David completed his Master of Business Administration at Canada’s Ivey Business School, and learnt the importance of implementing purpose into his career. Understanding the power of positive impact that tourism can promote, David is excited to be working for Aurora – a pioneer and global leader in sustainable expedition travel – as their Global Head of Sales.

  • Wendy Davis
    Wendy Davis
    Owner | Zebrano Travel

    Wendy launched the first lifestyle concierge service in Canada 25 years ago. Her agency focuses exclusively on Ultra High-Networth clientele. Zebrano Travel has been Virtuoso since 2008. Wendy is the Chair of the Virtuoso Global Hotel Committee and she’s received the Virtuoso Ruby of Siam Award for her leadership. She’s the 2nd Canadian Member to win this honoured award. When Wendy isn’t working on an “epic” trip – she’s often mentoring Advisors on how to charge for their time.

  • Diane Cook CTM
    Diane Cook CTM
    Founder & Principal Travel Designer | 7Seas2See Travel

    Diane is a World Traveler; a Professional, Certified Travel Advisor with a 40 year Travel Career. She left her retail travel management position in 2015 to start her own travel company, set up intentionally to work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Named again to the Elite Conde Nast Top Travel Specialist 2024 List and a Virtuoso Advisor. Diane is recognized as a Top Travel Specialist and a member of the world’s most prestigious by invitation only, alliance of luxury and experiential travel professionals and suppliers.
    Specializing in Bucket List Travel

  • Valerie Styger
    Valerie Styger
    Senior Country Manager - Canada | Expedia TAAP

    Voted ‘deal-maker’ by Expedia TAAP in 2023, sales and leadership expert Valerie Styger is a keen business strategist. With a rich background in B2B sales across various sectors such as hotels, tour operators, and technology, Valerie has climbed the corporate ladder from an entry-level position to a prominent role at Expedia Group.

    Her journey to success was forged in the fires of competition, drawing from her early years as an award-winning martial artist, which instilled in her a keen understanding of conflict psychology and a relentless drive to excel.

  • Ola Ulewicz CTC
    Ola Ulewicz CTC
    Agency Owner | Jet Lag Voyages (part of TTAND)

    I have worked in the travel industry for over 15 years and I started my career as an advisor in 2011 with Flight Centre and during the pandemic went out on my own to start Jet Lag Voyages, proudly using The Travel Agent Next Door as my host agency. I operate a brick and mortar location – so as many agency models have gone remote or homebased, we went the opposite direction. It has been greatly successful and our focus is on luxury travel, FIT, cruises and tours. Personally, I have travelled to 90 countries and can’t wait for my next adventure- Mongolia! (on Sept 13th! right after the summit!)

  • Lynda Tomilin CTC
    Lynda Tomilin CTC
    Agency Owner | Envoyage

    With over 32 years of Travel Industry experience, I can honestly say my life’s purpose is travel, and help others make their travel dreams into a reality. In 1992. I took my first step and obtained my Travel and Tourism Certification as well as my entry level CITC Certification. Over the years I have continued to upgrade my travel knowledge and attained my CTC.I am a Home Based Agency Owner for Envoyage. I hold several Specialist certifications and keep current with as many tour operators, cruise lines, hotel and tourist boards as possible.38 countries I have visited, and hoping to check off more

  • Wendy Paradis
    Wendy Paradis
    President | ACTA

    With over 30 years’ experience in the travel industry, Wendy Paradis brings her extensive knowledge, expertise and passion to her role as President of ACTA (Association of Canadian Travel Agencies and Travel Advisors) and Board Executive Member of the WTAAA (World Travel Agents Associations Alliance).
    Throughout her career, Wendy has had the privilege of working with some of Canada’s leading Travel Agencies and has expertise in every facet of travel agency sales and operations in both corporate and leisure travel. She is passionate about professional development and advocacy for Canada and the Global Travel Industry.

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